Sunday, March 25, 2007

em quad moto nombre

And so the city slickers went off road this past weekend for some adventure sport and fun in the sun with four wheelers in Pretoria north. As you can see from the pictures it doesn’t sit in anyone’s pants to face the off road challenges offered by the course, I supposed that is why only the bravest pitched for the event.

Geared up and ready to go (still clean)

Pure bravery

The boys
Me and my friend for the day
You go girl!
Some dirty pictures (identikits)

I think apart from having a huge amount of fun on the day we did learn a thing or two if you think about it.

  • Personally I learned that if you drive a quad at an excessive speed and then pull the left front brake (the only working one) you suddenly leave your buddies behind and go off course into the bushes.
  • I’m sure Ronel will know next time how to start a bike by herself in the middle of a river.
  • John will definitely remember next time to secure his quad after parking on a down hill and getting off it to go and check the other crazy people speeding up the slope while his quad is running away by itself. (I wish I had a video clip of you running after it , I’m sure it would have been a hit on America’s Funniest Home Videos)
  • Hopefully Dawie will behave next time so that the guide doesn’t have to have constant words with him.
  • Frikkie please don’t break anything next time!
  • Gerhardus I only realized later your real intentions behind the fact that you constantly offered to lift Charize……. She would have had to hold on very tightly onto you hey? mmm…;-)
  • I also realized that people will try to intimidate you if they are taller than you and have scares on their face and put their hands on their hips. Don’t stand for that it will just get in the way of a fun day, I didn’t so that’s why we still managed to have fun.

A special thanks to everyone attending the event, it was great fun and definitely set the standard for future get together’s. I hear the new thing is to go train surfing, maybe we can go and do that next time…..

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