Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Movie review: Screenplay ...Screamplay!

The other day the “fliek vlooi” within me encouraged me to go to the movies for a change. Once we (me and Gwen) arrived at the ticket counter I soon realized I haven’t heard anything good from any of the movies on circuit, so the decision was quite difficult to make. I figured that the best bet would be to go for a movie with well known/good actors in the rolls.

We ended up buying tickets for The Good Sheppard. I think using the word “good” in the title of this particular movie is quite ironic. Unfortunately not even the presence of Angelina Jolie could grip my attention. Matt Damon tried his best to give an Oscar performance but I think the screenplay was beneath him and I wonder if Robert de Nero and Alec Baldwin are hard-up for money these days if they associate themselves with such rubbish.

Seeing that the movie itself did not provide me with much entertainment I suppose I cannot complain about the audience though. Of course upon entry there was someone sitting on our spot, which is a no go for Gwen subsequently he was chased away at once. The girl (bak vissie) sitting two seats from me to the right had the highest pitch of an irritating laugh I have heard in a long time, and she found the Vodacom meerkat to be extremely funny! On the other side we had a very talented family, they managed to smuggle a cooler box into the cinema filled with alcoholic refreshments. As a result of their thirst, and I suppose the excitement of the movie, the gentleman next to us (the head of this family) started to lean over as he passed out, but amazingly he managed to keep his brandy and coke in his plastic glass.

Needless to say we walked out after about 45 minutes to retain our sanity………So The Good Sheppard score an enthusiastic 2 out of 10. I will definitely not recommend this movie to anyone with suicidal thoughts.

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