Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Clueless Conclusion #2: Is Afrikaners plesierig?

I came to another conclusion. This particular conclusion might come down hard on some toes so if you are a sensitive viewer maybe you should skip this blog and read the more positive ones below.

Don’t get me wrong this is not a negative blog at all, on the contrary this is my inconsequential attempt to change some attitudes towards some of our current social situations in our immediate surroundings. I’m not denying that we have problems, oh no I realise we have heaps, but I think South Africans could qualify as being one of the most negative nations ever.

So the first thing I would like to get off my chest is the Gautrain development. I have come to the point where I get an internal twinge (you know where) when I hear yet another comment on how the Gautrain is never ever going to work and lets rather spend the money on another 5 lanes on the N1 and build some extra houses. I mean really people, this is probably one the first good ideas coming out of government in a long time, if not the first ever. At least this is the first step in the direction of getting a functional public transport infrastructure that might actually attract some international investment into our country which could in turn solve a lot of our other social problems.

I’m sure it’s going to take a lot of birth pains to get this baby delivered into a fully functional system but lets try and keep the end goal in mind and try and avoid Rivonia road over the next couple of months. After all this is one thing that we as the tax payers might actually benefit from.

Maybe I live in a dream world but imagine if I don’t have to get up at 4:45am everyday (crying) to ploy the rest of the automobile population on the N1 and rather spend a few minutes on a train to Sandton. I might even start reading then (although that might be pushing it a bit!) and I might even live longer as I won’t constantly burst veins in my head over idiocy in traffic and I might save about 5000km per month on my car as well.

After all is said and done, the train is coming, and not even genl De la Ray can prevent it so hou net op kla!

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