Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Anyone for a filter?

Last night I experienced what they call writers block. I was trying my utmost best to get a story for this blog going with no luck. I think what prevented me from focusing and centralizing inspirational thoughts was the fact that I discovered late yesterday that someone who still needs to be identified ordered another sh!t load of excess stock at one of my clients of which the name will remain unknown. I mean iT’s psYChO to think that the massive amounts of DAF (big truck) filters currently standing in the isles, entrances, exits, emergency exits, restrooms, offices, boardrooms and kitchens are going to disappear before the next vessel arrives while the demand has vanished from the face of the earth.

The view from Barloworld site office window at anonymous client

Next to the door

So for the backyard mechanics amongst us, we are planning on putting some air filters on promotion soon, it’s compatible to any Ford Cortina, Nissan Skyline and Sentra and if you turn it inside out it might even work on a Jetta. We are currently looking at alternative markets as well, so if anyone know of any Kerk Bazaars or Vroue Landbou Unie (VLU) events coming up, please let me know, Zeurika came up with a nice idea of turning a DAF filter into a cute lantern that will fit in nicely alongside your wind chime on your stoop. Magda already offered to do the embroidery……….

Next month we will be running a door-to-door campaign on Renault cylinder heads, we are just waiting for the wheel barrows to arrive ……………………. ”I love to truck”……..


Raptore said...

LOL, at last, someone who feels my pain *pecks tear from eye*.

My boss orders too much stock every day and to top it off, he orders the slow-movers because the suppliers are giving massive discount. It's discounted for a reason you jackass!

Raptore said...

LOL, at last, someone who feels my pain *pecks tear from eye*.

My boss orders too much stock every day and to top it off, he orders the slow-movers because the suppliers are giving massive discount. It's discounted for a reason you jackass!