Monday, April 9, 2007

A midnight blog

It is now 2am Monday morning, I can’t sleep as I had a cup of strong caffeinated coffee next door at 8 last night, and I’m tired of staring at the ceiling so I decided to use my time wisely by writing a blog.

It has almost been a week since my last blog, hope you all had a blessed and peaceful Easter weekend. I managed to catch up on some lost sleep from January as I booked myself into Gwen’s B&B just around the corner from my home for the long weekend. This is also the same hotel/restaurant I visit almost every night for supper, and pickup my laundry once/twice a week. I realized once again that being woken up with the smell of fresh coffee and biscuits in bed, is maybe one of the reasons why I only managed to move out of my mother’s house at age 26.

My weekend consisted mainly out of vegetating on the couch watching TV series on my PC, shopping, eating out, shopping, vegetating, eating out, shopping, vegetating, vegetating, eating out, gym, shopping, jogging, vegetating, washing my car, eating out and now blogging.

Luckily we are facing only a four day week, in which a whole lot of miracles need to happen at Barlow Optimus before I can jump on that plane to Cape Town on Friday night for a well deserved holiday. So you can expect some news from the mother city from next week as I’ll be blogging from the beach, . . . or a wine farm, . . . or a mountain, or a . . . . .

Ok alle grappies op ‘n stokkie, I was rather disappointed that Hendrik returned last night all the way from De La Rayville (not the song) without ANY homemade cookies (Hertzoggies, koeksusters, konfyt tertjies, anything) whatsoever, I think someone needs to have a word with someone. . . . no wonder the coffee keeps me awake!

If this blog didn’t make much sense please keep in mind the time of day it was written


Niwde said...

Thats my name... oops. It's not true. I brought smiles, happiness to be back and strong coffee...teeheehee.

Raptore said...

You think that's bad, my own brother (Hendrik) wont even bring me any koekies and stuff from the parents when he comes to visit in a few weeks.

Julius Gouws said...

Thanks for the comments (I feel like Dr Ruth).

Regarding the first comment (niwde??), I have difficulty in understanding what was actually meant by the comment, therefore I don't know what to say. Maybe you can try again, but this time think carefully.

Maybe you two should ask yourselves the question why your mother would refuse to send you any biscuits.......maybe you were bad boys.....knowing nwide (or whatever his name is) it is probably the case therefore no blame can be directed towards the caring mother.

Niwde said...

Ok, ok, I admit it. I brought nothing for you, but next time I'll get Delareyville to bake for the poor Pretoria guys living without water