Sunday, April 22, 2007

Back in town

And so do all good things come to an end. I’m back in Gauteng after a splendid holiday in the Mother City. As they say time flies when you’re having fun, but I must admit that being home doesn’t feel al that bad.

As you can see I’m sharing some of the footage from the trip with you, but I thought that sharing everything might be a bit of an overkill. Freaky got a new camera and got trigger happy at some stages which resulted in the 2 GB of pictures I have from the past week, so what you’re seeing is just a few of the highlights.

Speaking of highlights, I had the opportunity this past weekend to experience what it must have felt like to be an 1980s millionaire with enough cash stashed away to last a lifetime. As you might have guessed I’m talking about my long awaited classic convertible SL Mercedes that I rented for the weekend.

I cruised the streets of Cape Town like Bobby Ewing did through downtown Dallas on his way to Southforke Range. With the wind through my hair on a sunny day I could hear the roar of the straight six engine like angles singing a love song as we went for sundowners in Camps Bay, Clifton, Green Point, Blouberg. . . . . Other drivers can’t resist to challenge you on every straight piece of road, which is very difficult to resist as it’s an experience and a half to feel the nose rise as you step down on the excellerator followed by an unmistakable growl that can only come from a blue blooded three pointed star. (In Mauritius’s words, dis befok!)

It was with great sadness that I returned the car yesterday morning to it’s owners, but I am considering to acquire something very similar someday.

We (me, Freaky, Heinrich and Mauritius) ended the trip on a high note (followed by a very low note), as we got stuck in some (a few dozen) shooters on Saturday night. This was after our club hopping with the Benz. I promised not to reveal too much detail about the night on here, but not to worry guys some portions I have difficulty remembering in any case. Just some advice, ending an evening after a few gallons of shooters with the ultimate flaming Lamborgini when you have to catch a flight the next morning (turbulence….air pressure!!!) is not a very good idea. For the rest as they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, and if any of you want a reminder, I do have some uncensored footage I discovered on my camera that can be viewed on request.

Ok I have to do my time sheets now!!!

Signal Hill

Me and Dawie cocktails in Camps Bay

Marais, Heinrich & Mauritius

Wine farms

My masterpiece

Table Mountain

The babe magnet

Sundowners in Camps Bay

Sundowners in Camps Bay

Sundowners in Camps Bay

House hunting in Clifton

Cocktails in Green Point

Cocktails in Blouberg . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whaaa, ek is famous! Nee wat, ek kan nie uitgepraat raak oor Saterdag aand nie, mense by die werk is al moeg geluister na my, dit was rerig "befok"! Jou blogpage is noggal cool. Bly om te sien julle het toe darem veilig by die huis aangekom--"Freaky" het nie te vars gelyk toe ons julle by die lughawe gaan aflaai het nie;) Weereens dankie vir die lift in die "babemagnet"--dit sal definitief volgende jaar een van my nuwejaars voorneme wees om ook so 'n nommertjie vir 'n dag of twee te huur. Sal definitief weer na jou page kom kyk...Lekker week!