Thursday, April 19, 2007

Car Talk

Good morning every one. Long time no speak! I am still alive if anyone was wondering…. I did come close to death last night though, or at least that was what I would imagine it would feel like to spend your last few moments on earth in a high speed car chase through Table View with a turbo charged Volvo with an aspiring race driver behind the wheel who just had to show an orange Ford waar Dawid die wortels gegrawe het. I was impressed with both the car and the driver’s abilities, I took the car for a spin (literally) myself and enjoyed the ride, but I sustained minor injuries when Freaky took the wheel (not used to an automatic) and send both me and Heinrich through the windscreen when he mistook the brake for the non-existing clutch, he later also detoured over a sidewalk, I think I have blue marks over my chest from the seatbelt.

While I’m waiting in anticipation to collect my convertible Mercedes (this afternoon for the weekend) we are driving a Toyota Yaris….. Ja I know it’s probably the ultimate chick car, and I know someone that are a proud driver of one of these little lunch boxes, I must say the car has got guts, but too much guts and no glory can be dangerous as I almost discovered on Wednesday night on my way to Camps Bay…. poor Dawie was glad to arrive alive at the City Lodge….nevertheless 160km/h for a 1.3 liter with four guys aboard is not too shabby I suppose, just don’t attempt to change direction. Space wise, apart from the 17 glove compartments (and I include the boot as one of them as you can’t call it a boot) you also have 5 cup holders. At the end of the day nothing revs like a rental so we are enjoying the car, we will be taking it off road tomorrow in Stellenbosch…..


Niwde said...

No comment.... about the Yaris that is.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.