Thursday, June 7, 2007

30 Days and counting.......

And so the fat lady sang……it’s all over. I’ve handed in my lunchbox and started to countdown the days. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the die hard Optimus members staying behind (or staying for the time being in any case) for abandoning ship especially with the rough waters ahead. It is time for me to move on, but this is definitely not goodbye. Those who have come to know me will know that once I bite I don’t let go easily so you will have to shoot me to really get rid of me. I’m sure we will fit in a few proper social events before I give up my parking space and relocate my employment environment, socializing will definitely be ongoing for some time to come.

Before I start to become soppy I evidently came to a very important conclusion: Why did the chicken cross the road?……..because it’s “Yummy” and KFC was on the same side where the grass is greener. With time to come you will all realize the underlying meaning of this riddle…..