Friday, February 16, 2007

Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma - Dressed by ....Donna eClaire?

I watched the opening of parliament the other night on TV. Guess where? Top Billing of all places. I kid you not! Our politicians seems to have got one thing exactly right! The whole House of Representatives seemed to have pulled off a fashion extravaganza of note. At first I confused it with the Durban July, but then I realized that it was not July nor was it horses in the background (?).

I suppose it’s a good thing that the crew of the main ship support the local fashion and textile industry seeing that everybody else are forced to buy cheap Chinese products in Woolworths these days, but stretching tax money that far is debatable, especially covering some of our ministers requires a lot of stretching and yards of fabric. The whole affair was very beautiful and colorful and makes one think of……a circus… pun intended. . .

1 comment:

Niwde said...

Good to know our tax money is used in a great fashion...