Monday, February 19, 2007

Barloworld Logistics – Best logistics company to work for 2005/2006

If I ever doubted the credibility of the Deloitte’s survey on which company is actually the best to devote your life to, all reservations has been laid to rest and I have substantial proof that Barlow Logistics is in fact the best logistics company, and is willing to work together with the general public to make South Africa a better place.

I refer you to the photo below, maybe I should first sketch the scenario: I was stuck in traffic (part of life as a consultant) at Olifantsfontein Rd in Midrand after a 6am meeting at one of my favorite clients Agrinet. I refer you to exhibit A (the idiot in the white Nissan 1400 bakkie…..ja one of those never ending ones… on the market since 1971) was trying to overtake us all on the yellow line, I suppose it was beneath him be stuck behind normal working citizens waiting in anticipation for the light to turn green.

Unfortunately my attempt to reroute the bastard towards the bushes did not succeed as I do care about my car, so he managed to pass me! But then the Barloworld Logistics dedicated PPC fleet member came to the rescue! As you can see Exhibit B (the hero with the elephant on the back) moved slightly to his left to ensure no passing and Exhibit A was stuck next to me! This of course granted me the opportunity to educate him through sign language after I drew his attention by pressing the horn.

I suppose this serves as a prime example of Barlow employees working together to make a difference…..I wonder if this gives me exemption from the next community project… never mind I do this as a gesture of goodwill in any case.

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