Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear Diary

I don’t keep a diary therefore I just want to jot down a few pointers on here so that I can look back one day with a tear in my eye on the what life was like as a twenty something.

Friday night
- I rediscovered why people buy a Mercedes Benz SLK. So that you can drive through the city topless on a beautiful summer evening. I don’t understand the Theuns Jordaan part just as yet, but I suppose anything goes in a German sports car because you kind of set the rules in any case.
- Heinrich arrived from Cape Town in style of course I expect nothing less, another expensive German auto.

- Started early with coffee in my own bed, now that I can get used to!
- Breakfast with Gwen in Pretoria,
- Hard physical labor at no 97 Oak Hill to prepare for new tenants
- Josua Gouws turned 3, of course I had to attend the party and consume some cake.
- Gym session to burn off the cake.
- Dinner at Vintage Fresh with some of the most interesting people in Gauteng whom I call my friends. Please don’t make any assumptions on any of the photographs on facebook. I don’t know how it happened that I woke up on my bed (fully made) at 5 am with my party clothes on….suppose that’s proof of a successful party.

For some reason I just had to include this picture to make a few of my friends jealous

- Early greasy breakfast at Hyde Park.
- The best medicine for a hangover is exercise, so I had the most amazing swim after breakfast.
- Spent lunchtime next to the pool in the glorious sun, with good company I might add ….
- Early dinner at the airport with Heinrich before he departed again.
- Late evening tea with Mr Big.
- Then finally bed.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And the award goes to....

So I settled for black. From head to toe dressed in black I arrived at the Supplier of the Year Awards passing the two red Ferrari’s and the GT40 after parking my Aston Martin DBS (I wish!). The 007 undertone décor of this function made Edith’s wedding look like a kid’s party. The food was exceptional and so was the music. The awards made some people very happy and then drunk, and other people drunk and then very happy. An innocent admin clerk of a fresh produce supplier can transform into a voluptuous woman that pulls you on the dance floor that doesn’t want to let go, and that just because of a few drinks ….or is it?

I had lots of fun, although waking up feeling a bit bilious was not that much fun, fortunately a proper hotel breakfast sorted me out.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Class of 98

So we all packed our cooler boxes and headed east for the Class of 98 reunion at then best school on the East Rand Höerskool Jeugland. It is hard to believe that it has been a decade since the last time I was dressed in uniform (ok not the last but those are just for fun! grrr)

The biggest motivation for attending was obviously curiosity, as you want to see how everybody turned out, and then my personal motivation was to see if the 1st Rugby team obtained their cool, god’s gift status over the past 10 years. My suspicions were confirmed within the first few minutes. I came to the general conclusion that the nerds turned out rather well, and with that I don’t necessarily would have called myself a nerd at school, but I suppose I was the captain of the chess team at some stage wearing spectacles as thick as a glass Coca-Cola bottle base so I suppose that puts me in that category.

Some people got bigger, some got smaller (ok I can only think of one such example), some haven’t changed, some became more reserved, some should be more reserved and not sit on my lap while married with children and the husband is sweating at the braai fire! I don’t like long white nails and I don’t care that you got your figure back after childbirth, not interested darling!

There are obviously two questions you get asked all night, and depending on the answer to the second question you might get a third.
“So what do you do for a living?”
“Are you married?” if yes “How many children?”

I contemplated before hand to take a prostitute as a date and dress up in a suit which would have provided answers to both these questions, but instead I dressed normal and dragged M along who helped me finish the two bottles of good red wine, she ended up handing out her phone number to up and coming rock stars…you go girl!

Something I don’t understand yet is why you would park your C180 Classic right in front of the door of the school hall and not with the rest of the automobiles in the parking lot? Just because you can, or maybe the cooler box was slightly heavy, or maybe that was the condition to drive mommy’s car for the night as she might be afraid it could get stolen….some things never change

See you all in ten years time!