Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Around the world in 60 hours

I do get some spur of the moment ideas once every now and again and then I don’t need much convincing to jump on a plane and fly halfway around the world for a weekend. This is exactly what I did this past weekend when I went to London. This short weekend was even reduced further when engine 3 of the Boeing 747 we were traveling in refused to start. This delayed us for 3 hours and 300 odd passengers had to wait in the plane without air-conditioning while a new starter motor was installed. Despite the delayed start the weekend was a great success.

I blew way too much money, mostly on clothes and shoes as if I have excess cupboard space in my new place. I managed to visit a few famous landmarks, and had a nice night out on the town in Soho on Saturday night. On Sunday shopping continued and finished off with a superb lunch at a restaurant on the banks of the Themes over looking Tower Bridge where I actually ate oysters (jip me the rys vleis en aartappel ou…..they say you must try everything at least once…ok so I tried one……thanks for trying H, sorry to disappoint you at least I kept it down)

So I had to leave London on Sunday night for Johannesburg, luckily I had sufficient sleeping pills to escape the clueless American’s conversation, that sat next to me on the plane on his way to SA for the first time. I woke up just before breakfast was served so it was a rather short flight.

Some proof that I did visit London UK and not just sat at home watching pirate copied TV series on my computer…..which I have done in the past….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds so awesome Julius. So who really paid for the trip?
By John Panayotou.