Monday, February 25, 2008

The lights are on again, and this time someone’s home

Good day my beloved readers, the one’s I have left I mean. I must apologise sincerely for the long motionless state of this blog over the past couple of months, and sure, you must be saying to yourself, “Yeah we heard that one before!” but I will make an effort to update Clueless Conclusions with all kinds of trivial information more regularly from now on.

The fact that the blog was rather lifeless for a while is definitely not an indication that there haven’t been any activities ongoing in my life, on the contrary that might be the main reason for not finding time to write.

Just to give an update on what happened since the 9th of December 07 to date, here are a few highlights:

- I visited Madikwe game reserve in December with Hannes, spotted a lot of game, enjoyed the game drives, hated the food, got lost on the way back, almost flipped the ML;
- Visited family for Christmas, all are good and well and they seemed to get the idea that I’m not getting married,;
- Visited Mount Grace in with Gwen, was relaxing, service was poor and too many children running around. I was reminded of an Easter weekend at an Aventura resort.
- Visited Durban for New Years, was a jol!
- Bought a new car, yes I had enough of malfunctioning power steering systems!
- Got a fractured cheek bone on my birthday , . . real story remains untold. . .
- Had a birthday party.
- Oh and the second last Gouws brother is getting married soon, so guess what, then all eyes, focus and prayers will be directed to the last unmarried Gouws brother, which of course is me. . .

That in a nut shell is where we are, I will think of something silly to post tomorrow.

1 comment:

Niwde said...

Glad you're back...