Sunday, December 9, 2007

Team Rock Paper and Scissors still ROCK!

Yes I know it’s more than a month since I last posted anything on this site. That in fact does not mean that I have nothing to share, but rather that I’ve been absolutely too busy to write about all my adventures. Some of you might watch my facebook profile every now and then. So I thought it good to combine the two and also have my blog fed to my facebook profile, so that people only have to read one or the other.
This past weekend was one of those non-stop energy drainer weekends. I got to bed on Saturday morning at 2h30am after painting the town red. On Saturday night it was time for the Xmas party of all Xmas parties. The night ended 4am the following morning after dozens of Jagebombs and all kinds of other evil stuff I remember something about playing truth or dare......luckily I can’t remember the finer detail.....
To my miss fortune I had to get up at 7am on Sunday, not to have a relaxing breakfast, but to rush to the Germiston lake to participate as a key member in the legendary team Rock, Paper and Scissors for another triathlon. I suspected that I could drown during my swim event considering the state I was in, but nothing that a few pain killers, and energy drinks couldn’t fix!
I am proud to announce that Team Rock, Paper and Scissors improved their time by 2 minutes from the previous race, YOU ROCK!

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