Sunday, September 30, 2007

Parkhurst meets Pimville

I’ve always thought that I’m probably one of the most liberal Afrikaner boerseuns coming out of Pretoria, this past Saturday evening proved just that. About twenty of us whities decided to go out and see how the who’s who in Soweto do the social thing.

In a convoy of 6 vehicles (all expensive german brands of coarse) we departed Parkhurst and took to the streets of Soweto. With a few butterflies in the stomach we entered the unknown territory from the Florida side and took a scenic route through Dobsonville and a few other suburbs I cannot pronounce. I was pleasantly surprised to experience the warm welcome of the community whom was quite surprised to see the unfamiliar sight of a convoy of white yuppies driving through the streets of Soweto at night. After narrowly escaping a few accidents (as traffic rules are something foreign to this town), we eventually arrived at our venue The Backroom in Pimville.

At first it was very deserted but soon the party started to become alive. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many Range Rover Sport’s in one location. Clearly the only thing that made us stand out was the colour of our skin our vehicles were rather ordinary in the parking lot.

We partied until the early hours of Sunday morning. Getting out was a bit more of a challenge than what we anticipated as we got stuck in a traffic jam of note when we tried to avoid a rather drunken crowd of a beach party in the area. In a matter of seconds we were completely stuck in a narrow street with a couple of thousand locals. Even this was no problem for our designated driver, a blonde white lady who got out of the luxury 4x4 she was driving in the middle of Soweto and directed traffic in the opposite direction in order for us to turn around and find an alternative route.

We got home at about 3am in one piece after a very exciting and successful evening.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Around the world in 60 hours

I do get some spur of the moment ideas once every now and again and then I don’t need much convincing to jump on a plane and fly halfway around the world for a weekend. This is exactly what I did this past weekend when I went to London. This short weekend was even reduced further when engine 3 of the Boeing 747 we were traveling in refused to start. This delayed us for 3 hours and 300 odd passengers had to wait in the plane without air-conditioning while a new starter motor was installed. Despite the delayed start the weekend was a great success.

I blew way too much money, mostly on clothes and shoes as if I have excess cupboard space in my new place. I managed to visit a few famous landmarks, and had a nice night out on the town in Soho on Saturday night. On Sunday shopping continued and finished off with a superb lunch at a restaurant on the banks of the Themes over looking Tower Bridge where I actually ate oysters (jip me the rys vleis en aartappel ou…..they say you must try everything at least once…ok so I tried one……thanks for trying H, sorry to disappoint you at least I kept it down)

So I had to leave London on Sunday night for Johannesburg, luckily I had sufficient sleeping pills to escape the clueless American’s conversation, that sat next to me on the plane on his way to SA for the first time. I woke up just before breakfast was served so it was a rather short flight.

Some proof that I did visit London UK and not just sat at home watching pirate copied TV series on my computer…..which I have done in the past….

Friday, September 7, 2007

Boot Camp 2007

Just to show you all I do work very hard for a living, sometimes even physical labour is involved. The past 3 days I attended the KFC SA Boot Camp. Some of you might wonder what Boot Camp entails in the restaurant industry. Well what I can tell you is that I don’t want to see chicken, smell chicken or most of all eat chicken for the next few months! I had to exchange my business attire for some more comfortable clothing, and they warned us to wear comfortable shoes for a reason. My soft office feet didn’t cope that well with standing the whole day, and my crooked back (from being a Pta-Jhb commuter) gave me the finger.

Nevertheless we had a lot of fun and learnt a lot along the way, I also have a lot more respect for our staff in store and appreciate every simple piece of chicken produced as I now know what effort goes into providing finger lickin good food for the nation. We finished off the event with an exquisite dinner at Cynthia’s in Brooklyn.

Here are a few exhibits to prove that I do roll up my sleeves once in a while and do some physical labour but after this week of hard work I decided I need a break so I’m flying to London tonight for a ridiculously extravagant weekend to spoil myself. See you on Monday.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

New kid on the block

So today I am officially a Joburger. I am happy to say the move went rather well and was probably one of the more organized relocation projects I’ve been involved in. A special thanks to my good friend of 19 years Freaky who gave up his weekend to help me move. I’m also glad that he didn’t obtain any injuries in the process as was expected.

Being the party animal I am, I still managed to attend Zeurika’s 30th birthday bash which was a nice way to close off a day of hard physical labor. Not only did I mange to stay awake until midnight but also had a fantastic time and got more friendly as the night progressed! Two bottles of red wine and Riaan are to blame for that. The presence of the Porsche club got me in a pleasant mood from the word go when I arrived and saw 50 Porsches parked in front of the venue. Nevertheless the voluptuous sports cars didn’t succeed in taking the limelight away from the lady of the hour. Great party Z!

Sunday was once again filled with physical labor in order to tidy up my new abode. The day was successful, although I haven’t come up with a plan to get rid of my new neighbor’s Maltese poodles. There are two of them and they do a barking relay which means you hear barking without any pause because once the one’s little voice cords gets tired his little buddy takes over! Any ideas that won’t alarm the SPCA?